Von Bolcanstern

Von Bolcanstern Dobermann



Actualité publié le 20/05/2013

Von Bolcanstern - Puppies

On May 11th 2013 in Dobermann kennel "Von Bolcanstern" 2 black males and 1 brown male were whelped from Diego von der Sylimax Mühle and E-Qyoda Qumca von Bolcanstern.

 Puppies with LOF, vaccined, dewormed, european passport.

 Diego is a dog with a very good skeleton, elegant looks, an excellent very quiet intuition in track. It is a dog strong in character which it is necessary to drive with dexterity, with which you should not return in conflict and from there obtains one the OB joyful with very beautiful suites, a work in osmosis with the maitresse. In the attack, he is very convincing of part his very pronounced and developed natural attacks which come from the bottom of the heart. His grips are deep with a pressure of machoire, an exemplary speed of grips. Certificate IPO, ZTP SG1A and 1 Exc. in show. In preparation IPO.

 E-Qyoda is a very dynamic female, jumping excellent, an asserted character, joyful in the work with deep and dry grips. She is accessible French Ring2, CACS in show. His father, Ugo, evolved in Ring2. He arose from Erik von Strundertal IPO3 and from Baron von Fuhrenkamp IPO3. Her mother, dog of security, arises from a consanguinity on Multi-Ch. Lewica Lwica, dogs stemming from this lineage present deep and dry grips, and are motivated in the work.
